Anti-Graffiti Campaign

For the
Los Angeles Police Department

A commission where I collaborated with 2 other designers to create
A campaign for Anti-Graffiti awareness amongst the local communities.
This process involved my colleagues and I reviewing various campaign
Suggestions as a group. Once finalizing our decision onto 3 possible solutions,
each member was assigned a solution to elaborate for a more extensive
concept. After reviewing each member's concept, a final solution was
Selected as group.

Conceptualization. I

The idea I selected was to show the the negative effects
Vandalism could have on a youth's future, by displaying
a job application's questions replied to with a
government penalty for vandalism.

Final Draft.

After reviewing each member's concept, the final
Solution was taken from a Graffiti Subculture practice of using
Name tags to display the Vandalist's graffiti work. With the name
On the tag replaced by graffiti. With this idea we substituted
The graffiti with a government penalty for vandalism.

Field Applications

Once our solution was finalized, I began recording our field applications
And reactions to various settings.